This new FREE e-newsletter is published by Sunor Enterprises Ltd.
This FREE e-newsletter is is emailed throughout Steveston on a monthly basis. It includes New Businesses, Community Events and news of important "Happenings" in our community. If you would like to advertise a sale, your new business or any other community business events, send us an email at . We will include it as space permits. We reserve the right to refuse any information deemed inappropriate.

Receive the newsletter by email, monthly, just send your email address to and we will send you the latest happenings and more each month.

Send us your feedback!
This E-Newsletter is now in its 3rd year and its circulation is increasing each month. We are looking for feedback. Your input, as a reader, is very important to the success of this newsletter. It's intent is to keep the community working together. We would appreciate if you could take the time, and we welcome all questions, comments, or criticisms at: or Tel/fax: 604-275-9452



The new constituency office will open mid-September. It will be located at #125 3900 Steveston Highway, Richmond V7E 2K2 in Minato Village. The office phone number will be 604-241-8452 and the fax number will be 604-241-8493. Drop by for a cup of coffee!


Barb and Lynda of Treasures Boutique would like to thank all the local shoppers for supporting our new store. We have fall arrivals coming in over the next few weeks so be sure to visit and get "first" choices. Lynda and Barbara bring both retail and business experience to this great little shop - and most importantly - “Treasures” promises a fun shopping experience. #140 – 12240 Second Avenue, Steveston Village (604) 275-7119

ONE Day only . Saturday, October 1st, will be having a special event.   Be sure to come by .  F or all you that love the "Lothantique line" we are still stocking it at this location.


HUGE 25% OFF SALE Sept 29th - Oct 5th.


#125-13020 No. 2 Road
Richmond, BC V7E 2G1
Phone: 604-274-4426 Fax: 604-274-2355

Autumn Transformation
Experience the legendary antioxidant effects of green tea and vitamin C to sooth sensitive and sun damaged skin. This antioxidant-rich facial includes cleanse, Silver Jade green tea lucca mist, exfoliation, nourishing Vitamin C serum application, Vitamin C treatment mask, facial massage, hot aromatic towels and moisturizing treatment. Follow up your facial with additional detoxification for your body with 1-hr reflexology treatment for hands and feet. Reflexology is based on the principle that there are reflex areas in the feet and hands which correspond to all of the glands, organs and parts of the body. By using a "walking" compression technique, reflexology loosens muscles, breaks up crystals and restores circulation to congested areas. Reflexology is known to help numerous conditions including stress, headaches, bunions and much more. In a non-invasive manner, reflexology jump-starts your body's own natural healing process and of course, feels great!
2hrs, 15mins - $153 Offer expires September 30/05. Can be pre-booked in September for the month of October. Note: If preferred, an Energizing Hand and Foot Massage can be substituted for reflexology.

Osteopenia & Osteoporosis - A Yogic & Perceptive Approach to Bone Health
Sept. 26, 6:30-7:30pm
Come and shift your perception and your bone density. Join us for an information workshop with Penny Allport and discover the secret to healthy bones and release your old beliefs about aging. Nothing changes without a shift in perception. Leading research on the subject of bone "density" can either alter our perception towards fear or it can open us to a new view of what bone health really means. The simple practices of Yoga truly go "bone deep". Breath and sound (audible breath) as well as movement are resources to increase the cellular turnover in bone which is an integral part of bone health.
Workshop fee: by donation (minimum $5 appreciated). Net proceeds to Nite of Hope for breast cancer research. Seating is limited. Call 604-274-4426 to reserve your spot.


Steveston has a Property Management Company which has been active here for more than 23 years as a home base business. The company is Randall C. Lewis Company Ltd. and is located at 3600 Georgia Street. The proud Owners are Penny and Randy Lewis. Randy Lewis started in property management 33 years ago at the bottom as a resident caretaker in Kitsilano during the height of the Hippy Movement which was an interesting time as Hippies weren't concerned with mundane things like tenancy rules or paying something called rent. These were interesting times what with used needles and refuse everywhere including where they lived.

Times changes and we moved to Richmond in 1975 to manage a very large apartment complex known as Country Club Estates. Sounds exotic and it was anything but! My wife was born and raised in Vancouver and all she say was "why did you bring me to Richmond"? The complex had just been sold to a partnership of Nelsen Skalbaina and The Shon Group who split the six buildings and 207 apartments between them. Would you believe there were no light bulbs for the interior hallways and the complex had suffered for years without proper basic maintenance? Would you also believe the existing tenants were used to such conditions and those that weren't were moving out like flies? I spent 7 years there and turned it into a safe home for young and single parent families including their children which included playgrounds and a large swimming pool which had been condemned by the Health Dept. We also had birthday parties, Halloween and Christmas parties; the looks on these kids faces was worth all the work and they each received presents too! During this time I found time to complete my Real Estate Licence as a salesperson and later as an Agent. I also completed all requirements to receive my Certified Property Managers designation as well as attending UBC to obtain my diploma in Urban Land Economics.

It was time to move on and we purchased our first home in Steveston July 1/82 and my wife and daughter finally had a home of their own. I immediately started working for Realty World Crestland which was located at Blundell and No. 4 Road selling real estate. Someone forgot to inform me that this was the Bottom of the Real Estate market and would remain so for years. Just goes to show that what you don't know won't hurt you as I did well and helped many people achieve their dreams. Expo arrived and once again everything changed with the large influx of Asian people immigrating to here and being smart investors they bought income producing properties ie. houses and apartments and there I was to solve their problems with my Property Management Company!

Today we are still doing what we do best! Serving our clients needs with their investment properties. Trust and hard work has paid off and we have many clients from Asia and other countries which has been rewarding learning about their cultures and lifestyles. We have had over 30 years in this demanding business and I can say I am looking forward to the next 20 years as every day is different and the decisions I make can really impact for both the Owner and Tenants in a very positive way. Some people can't be helped and that too is part of the business.

So now you know there is a real property management business with a proven record of success which is available to you by simply calling 604-277-7036 (phone/answering/fax) or 604-728-1906 Cell or e-mail or visiting our web site at propertymgmt.comor Asian languages at 604-506-1789(Henry). We make a difference and or proud of it!


OPEN HOUSE, Sunday Sept 18th 2005, 12 noon til 3pm, #265 3580 Moncton (upstairs), Come on by for info on Classical Homeopathic Treatment, Bio-Energy Massage, Pleiades Astrology
Enter a draw for a free Bio-Energy Massage!

Specializing in on-site changes, troubleshooting and repairs for all existing (landline) dialtones, all Providers. Jacks installed and replaced. Same day or next day service - by appointment. Call or visit the website for more information.


Your one stop shop for Gourmet Gift Baskets. Looking for something different? Check out our new golf gift basket selection, or maybe the meal and a movie gift basket! Our Gourmet Gift Baskets make the perfect gift for all occasions. We allow you to shop easily and quickly from the comfort of your own home. Send that special gift that everyone loves to receive and it have it personally delivered within the Lower Mainland. We also ship throughout BC and Canada. We have carry a selection of other products such as, picnic backpacks children's furniture, and hug-to-dry baby bath towels (the perfect gift for new mothers).

We design baskets for individuals or large groups, making our baskets the perfect "corporate gift". Our baskets can be customized by adding Mineral waters, Non Alcoholic wines or quality BC VQA wines, as well as choosing from our selection of options to make your gift truly unique. If you have special requirements, please e-mail us or call us. We would be pleased to assist you.

Our website is user friendly and easy to navigate. Please check us out at:


A local B&B has again won accolades abroad.

This year their Bed and Breakfast was the only establishment to be recognized in Richmond in "The Lonely Planet" Canada. The Lonely Planet began in the early 1970's after founders Tony and Maureen Wheeler completed an overland journey from London through Asia and on to Australia. That trip resulted in the first ever Lonely Planet guidebook - Across Asia on the Cheap - and laid the foundation of the world's leading independent travel publisher.

Tony and Maureen are still the proud owners, still on the road, and still finding the time to continually push the boundaries of travel publishing.

With over 400 staff in the U.S., U.K. and Australian offices, Lonely Planet is home to a wide range of diverse people, from architects to physicists, snowboarders to photographers. They have a pool of 150 authors from over 20 countries. While covering the world, authors become experts in everything from mapping and visa regulations to hotel prices and the hottest new bar.

The Lonely Planet accepts no endorsements, advertising or kickbacks - the authors do not accept payment or favours in return for positive reviews. The integrity of the information is their strength.

Brian and Linda Cooper are very proud to have achieved status in this highly recognizable travel book. Please come and visit us at or 5511 Cathay Road, Richmond, B.C. 604.274.1070 or


604-277-3331 Devine and I marvel at how serendipitous our meeting was. I'm the lady Devine described in her spring newsletter. A Jet-Lag customer in her 40's, mother of 2 girls (Tess 19 yrs, Alyssa 11 yrs), a handyman husband ( Moe ), and a desire to be involved in a community business with a big emphasis on community. Devine wrote the newsletter before we met.

It is with great pleasure that I'm able to reassure our loyal and wonderful Jet-Lag customers that the tradition of Jet-Lag as a fun and caring place will carry on. We're now Jet-Lag Travel and Fashion Boutique, continuing with many of your favorites including Ezze Wear along with some new add-ons. Now and through the fall, look for French Dressing stretch denim jeans, swimsuits, shell, flip-flop and crystal jewellery, Delane Canada handbags and Sam sonite Travel Accessories. Ongoing is our unique selection of fashion separates, and all occasion dresses (wedding, dressy, casual, classy and fun), hats, scarves, shawls, pashminas and jewellery. Red Hat Ladies attire and accessories. Sizes from petite to plus, for youthful to mature.

Have you seen something neat somewhere or would you like to see a particular item offered at Jet-Lag? Call or e-mail me at . Now you have the option to receive our newsletter electronically. E-mail, call or better yet drop in, see what's new and leave us your email address. Don't worry if you prefer your newsletters by mail, we'll continue to offer that option.  

Bring your kids or grandkids! The kids can now watch cartoons or a DVD on our T.V. and lounge on throw cushions while you browse, visit and enjoy a cup of coffee or tea. There is no rush here, take your time. Life is so hurried, isn't it nice to know there's somewhere you can relax, refresh and refurbish! I hope to see you at Jet-Lag soon.


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